The Mechanical Engineering department is considered as the heart of the institute. The strength of the department is the highly qualified faculty which guides the students during the programme. A Mechanical Engineer designs develops, operates and maintains systems required for all industries such as power plant, space & nuclear establishment, steel plant, military establishments or automobile industry, etc.

It's the only department which provides exposure to its students to software like MATLAB, and now is in the process of procuring Pro-Engineer & Finite Element Analysis software to further horn their skills.

Electrical and Electronics Engineers Duty & Responsibility:

The syllabus is fully updated and made according to the present day need of the industry. The department of Mechanical Engineering is embellishing the following subjects that fulfill the technology needs.

  • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Product Development and Design
  • Machine Design
  • Strength of Materials
  • Courses in Microprocessor
  • Application
  • CAD/Cam
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Entrepreneurship and project planning
  • Value Engineering
  • Organizational Behaviours Condition Monitoring
  • Diagnostic and Mechanical Vibration


1 Dr.A.SIVAKUMAR Professor B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D., 1472649365 13.8.2008 20 Years
2 Mr.C.KARTHIKEYAN Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 10985817580 10-11-2021 9 Years
3 Mr.V.MAGESH Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 2183058235 19-06-2013 15 Years
4 Mr.P.BHARATHI Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 1405094591 10-02-2014 10 Years
5 Mr.J.VIMALAN Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 2183057834 04-07-2013 12 Years
6 Mr.N.ASHOK KUMAR Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 2182496579 20-05-2013 16 Years
7 Mr.S.MUNIAPPAN Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 9311031031 24-01-2020 7 Years
8 Mr.J.THAMOTHARAN Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 17359409599 21-06-2019 9 Years
9 M.V.SATHIYASEELAN Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 12898357031 04-08-2015 8 Years
10 Mr.P.VIJAYAN Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 757919832 27-06-2011 12 Years
11 Mr.G.SUGADEV Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 03-04-2024 3 Years
12 Mr.D.VIJAYAKUMAR Assistant Professor B.E.,M.E., 03-07-2017 5 Years

Mandatory Disclosure 2024-2025